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Applied Computational Materials Modeling : Theory, Simulation and Experiment (2007, Hardcover) ebook FB2, EPUB, TXT


The scope of the proposed book is to identify and emphasize the successful link between computational materials modeling as a simulation and design tool and its synergistic application to experimental research and alloy development. Compared to other areas in science where computational modeling has made substantial contributions to the development and growth of a particular field, computational materials modeling has been rather limited in its ability to insert itself as a major tool in materials design. The impression that computational modeling is simply an intellectual pursuit with no real life application has, in the long run, hindered the more widespread use of computational materials procedures by the mainstream materials community. Hence, the purpose of this book is to provide the average person working in the materials field with a more balanced perspective of the role that computational modeling can play in every day research and development efforts. This will by done by presenting a series of examples of the successful application of various computational modeling procedures (everything from first principles to quantum approximate to CALPHAD methods) to real life surface and bulk alloy problems., The scope of this book is to identify and emphasize the successful link between computational materials modeling as a simulation and design tool and its synergistic application to experimental research and alloy development. The book provides a more balanced perspective of the role that computational modeling can play in every day research and development efforts. Each chapter describes one or more particular computational tool and how they are best used., While it is tempting to label computational materials modeling as an emerging field of research, the truth is that both in nature and foundation, it is just as much an established field as the concepts and techniques that define it. It is the recent enormous growth in computing power and communications that has brought the activity to the forefi-ont, turning it into a possible com ponent of any modem materials research program. Together with its increased role and visibility, there is also a dynamic change in the way computational modeling is perceived in such a vast field as materials science with its wide range of length and time scales. As the pace of materials research accelerates and the need for often inaccessible information continues to grow, the de mands and expectations on existing modeling techniques have progressed that much faster. Primarily because there is no one technique that can provide all the answers at every length and time scale in materials science, excessive expectations of computational materials modeling should be avoided if pos sible. While it is apparent that computational modeling is the most efficient method for dealing with complex systems, it should not be seen as an alter native to traditional experimentation. Instead there is another option, which is perhaps the one that is most likely to become the defining characteristic of computational materials modeling."

- Applied Computational Materials Modeling : Theory, Simulation and Experiment (2007, Hardcover) read ebook MOBI

Impact Factor Ranking: Always number one in Polymer Science.The aim of proceeding of International Conference on Material Engineering and Mechanical Engineering MEME2015] is to provide a platform for researchers, engineers, and academicians, as well as industrial professionals, to present their research results and applications developed for Material Engineering and Mechanical Engineering.It comprises of a wise integration of mathematical and chemical concepts and covers numerous applications in the field of drug discovery, bioinformatics, chemoinformatics, computational biology and ecological health.The contents of this book include chapters on mathematical structural descriptors of molecules and biomolecules, topological representation of molecular structure, connectivity matrices, use of weighted 2D Fingerprints in similarity-based virtual screening and much more.This ebook is a valuable resource for MSc and PhD students, academic personnel and researchers seeking updated and critically important information on the fundamental concepts of mathematical chemistry and their applications., Advances in Mathematical Chemistry and Applications highlights the recent progress in the emerging discipline of discrete mathematical chemistry.Thesecond part focuses on process aspects, such as heat and masstransfer, bioreactors, and separation methods.The book presents 36 revised full papers and 21 revised short papers addressing current issues in geometric modeling and processing are addressed.Provides an in-depth understanding of phase equilibria.Value addition, customer focus, and business perspectives are emphasized throughout.