Revolutionary Lives: Percy Bysshe Shelley : Poet and Revolutionary by Jacqueline Mulhallen download EPUB, TXT, DJV


Percy Bysshe Shelley is recognised as one of the greatest English poets of the nineteenth century. His work was reviled by contemporaries for his politics and atheism, sentimentalised by Victorians, dismissed by scholars in the early twentieth century but is now receiving its due critical acclaim. Yet from the Chartists and the Suffragettes through Tianenman Squre and the Poll tax protesters to StoptheWar and Greek Solidarity, those fighting back have always quoted Shelley. He was an internationalist and revolutionary who supported the Irish movement and that of Greek Independence, a political activist who wrote pamphlets in defence of justice, free speech and parliamentary reform. Although he wrote when the working class was in its infancy, he had grasped how workers - and women - were oppressed. Radical, reformer, revolutionary, Shelley's politics still resonate today., Today, Percy Bysshe Shelley has memorials in Poet's Corner in Westminster Abbey and at Oxford University. Most famous for poems such as 'To A Skylark', 'Ozymandias' and 'The Mask of Anarchy', he is considered a major Romantic poet with important new editions of his work currently being produced. But this was not always the case. During his short and tragic life he was regarded with loathing as an immoral atheist and his work received damning reviews as a result.His was a story of extremes ' the radical nature of his convictions was astounding since he was the son of a wealthy landowner and set to become a Whig MP. A focus on his belief in sexual freedom and vegetarianism often eclipses his informed internationalist and revolutionary politics. Although he wrote when the working class was in its infancy, he clearly grasped how workers ' and women ' were oppressed.Admired by Oscar Wilde, Thomas Hardy, W. B. Yeats and Karl Marx, Shelley's legacy remains with us today ' his words have been used by popular movements from the Chartists and the Suffragettes to Tiananmen Square, the Poll Tax protesters and modern Greek solidarity movements. This new biography by playwright and activist Jacqueline Mulhallen will emphasise the political, revolutionary side of Shelley's life and will be a valuable contribution to the existing literature on this important artist., Today, Percy Bysshe Shelley is an emblem of the Romantic movement and one of the lights of English culture his poems memorized by schoolchildren, his life honored with a memorial in Westminster Abbey s Poets Corner. That wasn t always the case, however. In his own day, Shelley was widely loathed, seen as an immoral atheist and a traitor to his class for his revolutionary politics. His work was damned as well, receiving scathing reviews rooted as much in disapproval of his politics and personal life as in the verse itself. That s the Shelley that Jacqueline Mulhallen brings to life in this accessible, political biography: the Shelley who, though writing when the working class was in its infancy, clearly grasped and wanted to change the system of oppression under which laborers and women lived. The revolutionary Shelley, Mulhallen shows, has long served as an inspiration to figures from Karl Marx to W. B. Yeats to the poets and writers of today, and for popular movements like the Chartists and the suffragettes, even as his public image and poetry became part of the establishment. An engaging look at one of English history and literature s most compelling, complicated, and talented figures, "Percy Bysshe Shelley" will be a valuable contribution to our understanding of the man and his work."

Jacqueline Mulhallen - Revolutionary Lives: Percy Bysshe Shelley : Poet and Revolutionary ebook FB2, PDF, MOBI

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